Category: News

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Guide to Inbound Marketing Infographic by Marketo

The primary job of a Marketing Professional is to position a company for success and to drive revenue. But the trends of information abundance and attention scarcity mean that the tried-and-true ways of accomplishing these goals don’t work as well anymore. Fortunately, buyers put down their “anti-marketing” shields when they are actively seeking information or […]

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First Official ‘Meet Up’ Session confirmed

Online Marketing in Galway‘s first ‘meet up’ session for those willing to get involved has just been confirmed for Tuesday 24th April 2012 at 7pm in the Harbour Hotel.  This date was by far the most popular date according to my reliable pal the Doodle Scheduler, apologies to anyone it doesn’t suit. We will make […]

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Stay Organized & Stress-free: “Getting Things Done” Method Applied to Business Tools

These days we hear lots of calls to be more productive, effective and organized. They sound like “Achieve more in less time”, “Beat the work overload”, “Be more effective”, well that sounds pretty inspiring, but is it really achievable? And if so, what are the magic actions to take to get to this degree of […]

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Google Panda (in plain English)

A great little infographic to help explain the myriad of changes made through Google’s Panda Updates – and some tips on how to improve your sites performance in light of the changes. To get a better understanding of what Google Panda is about, I have included a short sentence to describe this;  Google Panda is a change to […]

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Are you ready for Facebook’s mandatory changes for Business Pages coming up next week? – check out the infographic from Marketo below

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Have you heard of ‘Farticles’??

Have you heard of ‘Farticles’?? If you’ve never heard of a thing called a Farticle, it stands for fake article (allegedly). These fake articles usually resemble news/facebook updates and are used to sell offers and products etc. They are slightly deceptive in the fact that the reader thinks they are reading legitimate news/reviews etc from […]

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FREE tips and tools to test your new (Or not so new) website

Tips and Tools for testing your website from Online Marketing in Galway. STEP ONE – advance preparation.  Define your internet marketing strategy and set the goals for your new website.STEP TWO – marketing messages for your new website.  Come up with great original content.STEP THREE – search engine optimisation and your new website.  Find out […]

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Facebook Timeline for Business

Social Fresh held a webinar, (Friday 2nd February) discussing all details about the new Facebook timeline for pages. It’s a big discussion these days for Social Marketers or anyone who as a Facebook changes, one reason is there are some significant changes some of them most would consider good others might not as beneficial. Whatever you think of the changes if […]

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Multiply your Effects of Your Inbound Marketing, by Marketo

We are really liking Marketo’s Thought Leadership approach to creating awareness and leads for their company and its services. The other day I downloaded a really good PDF from there which I listed here i.e. Lead to Revenue Performance. In order to download this useful PDF, I had to give my details… the next day […]

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Online Marketing in Galway – Latest Facebook Insights (up to Feb 20th 2011)

This is what an Online Marketer likes to see, more engagement, more ‘likes; more ‘monthly users’…..This does not include the latest results i.e. which we hope to see a little rise from the Galway City Tribune article that was posted on February 24th. If you have a Facebook page it is important you keep an […]